

2.Sree Narayana Guru - The Prophet of Peace - Satchidananda Swamy


This advice was given when Gurudevan chaired the great convention of Pulaya at Muttathara, Thiruvananthapuram.  The great leaders like Ayyankaali were present on the occasion.“All human are of one caste.  Amongst them there is difference of status only and not of caste.  Some people may have more money, education, while some others less.  Some are fairly complexioned while others are not. Such are the only difference amongst the people and not caste difference. Right now, the Pulayas lack a great deal of wealth and education which are required to be created.  Education is more important.  Education leads to wealth, efficiency et al.  It is false to say that you do not have wealth.  You yourselves are wealth. You all work and earn everyday and spend on drinks.  Saving a portion of it will make you to educate your children.
You can achieve many things without help from others.  You should convene every month and make future plans.  Consuming liquor needs to be stopped.  Children should not be allowed to drink liquor; and the elders too should change.  The monthly convention should insist on stopping drinking.  Others definitely will support you.  I look forward to meet you again.”

2.SREE NARAYANA GURU - The Prophet of Peace - Satchidananda Swamy

President of Sree Narayana Guru Chaithanya Madham , Perambra
Trichur, Kerala - South India
On September 4th 2009 we will be celebrating the 155th Jayanthi anniversary of Sree Narayana Guru. In the United State celebrations will take place in Wasington DC, Chicago, Houston, and new York City.
The world has forever been enriched by spiritual preceptors of superhuman genius. There have been many philosophers who are capable of dialectical agruments of split-hair precision to explain the nature of the Universe. But it has not been observed that they ever came down to the centre of human society and attempted social reformations by finding solutions to the burning problems of the people through understanding human feelings and emotions. For example, Socrates, Aristotle, Adi Sankaracharya, etc. were wise and erudie philosophic genius, but reformation of the society was never a part of their lives.

Quite different from them, there are a set of humanistic philosophers whose hearts overflow with love and compassion for humanity. They wipe the tears of the poor, soothe the suffering, and feel complacent to spend their own lives to serve other lives. But they are not known as great philosophers, or men of wisdom. For example, look at the lives of great men like Mahavir Jain and Sri Buddha. In their thoughts, social reformation programmes were not in equal proportions in their activities.
An exception to this is Sree Narayan Guru. He is a great boon to humanity, kindly granted by God Almighty; LEt us enjoy nectar of his biograophy. This Universal Guru shines as an extremely brilliant philosopher and an exceptionally kind hearted social reformer at the same time, with equal intensity.
In the history of the world, Sree Narayana Guru glows with an incompareable individuality which has integrated dialectics and social reformation programmers in equal proportions. That is why the famous French philosophic writter Romain Rolland defines Sree Narayana Guru as "A gnani of Action" in his book, The Life of Ramakrishna. The Guru has thoroughly studied all philosophic trends and the nature of the Universe in the light of his own experience. With his sharp intellect and insight, he had an  intutive vision of how the world is going to be in the future. This intellectual exercise has evolved into a Unitive Philosophy and presented it to the world, which remains like a great tower of light emanating beams of radiance all around. Because he could integrate all bastract theories of philosophy with kindness and compassion for living beings, the Theosophical Society of India has written about him in the editorial of their magazine Sanatana Dharma.
"No one in India  in the recent centuries, has earned such long standing, wide spread and glowing universal respect as Sree Narayana Guru. He has not given platform speeches or discourages. But, by his mere presence, he could radiate love and vitality. He is equal to Patanjali in Yoga, Adi Sankara in wisdom, Buddha in sacrifice, Nabi is perseverance, and Jesus Christ in humility. This holy Saint Narayana played the human role of 73 years, and then returned to his original abode. In future he will be worshipped as a diety, along with incarnations and Holy Saints". From this opinion of the Theosophical Society, the nature of Gurudev is clearly understood.
In the course of history, a man of superhuman virtue may emerge on the state of the World only once in a thousand years. The emergence of these superhumans, who can change the course of history and usher in a new dispensations, can be compared to the appearance of the spring season.During spring, nature wakes up in glory with a new spirit and beauty, filling the earth with greenery,  sweet smell of flowers and succulent life giving fruits. Similarly these universal Gurus emanate the beams of love, brotherhood and non-violance through their messages, establish 'Dharma' and disappear behind the curtains of time. Sree Krishna, Sree Buddha, Prophet of Mohammed, Jesus Christ etc. are all such Universal Gurus. Sree Narayana also belongs to his series, to their tradition.
Once Gurudev has stated, "During the time of Biddha violence was the rule, therefore he gave  prominance to nonviolence. During the time of Nabi, the bondage of brotherhood was lacking. So he gave supreme importance to fraternity. But what is the need of our times? The Guru himself gave answer, " Liberation fron the cluthes of caste and religion". From these words one point is clear; Great Universal Gurus prescribe 'Dharma' (righteous duty) especually suitable for the period which can go beyond the constraints of time and place. Incourse of time, these prescription of philosophical thught metamorphosed into religions.
The objective of Sree Narayana Guru's life was to liberate the people from the clutches of caste and religious feelings. The greatness of his personality is revealed to the World through his own words. He is a universal Guru, born in the tradition of these Universal Gurus mentioned above. Buddhish emerged in the same of Biddha, Christanity in the name of Christ and Islam in the name of Prophet mohammad. But no religion has emerged in the name of Sree Narayana Guru. He had declared. " I am not going to estabkish another religion". Instead he advised, "The World needs a unitive culture which integrates the non-violence of Buddha, the love of Christ, the brotherhood of Nabi, the wisdom of Adi Sankara, and the spirituality of ancient Indian Gurus". The purpose behind the incarnation of Sree Narayana Guru was to generate this unified culture in this World. The Guru's philosophy is a doctrine of integration. He could integrate all divisions of philosophical thoughts through compassion and goodwill. In his composition "Anukamadasakam" (Ten Stanazas of Compassion) this integration of all themes of philosophical thought can be clearly observed.
Sree Narayana Guru was such a divine person, with a very special individuality which could transform anyone who can near him into his admirer and worshipper. The opinions of some great men who had visited and understood the Guru, are given below.
"I have been touring different parts of the world. During these travels, I have had the good fortune to come into contact with several saints and Maharshis (great saints). But I have frankly to admit that I have never come across one who is spiritually greater than Swami Sree Narayana Guru of Malayalam-nay a person who is on a par with his spiritual attainments.I am sure, I shall never forget radiant face, illumined by the self-effulgent light of divine glory and those yogic eyes fixing their gaze on a remote point in the distant horizon."  -
Raveendra Nath Tagore
"I feel it the freatest privilege in my life to have visited the beautiful state of Travancore and to have darshan of veneralbe sage Sree Narayana Guru. I had the fortune to stay for one day in his holy Ashram. Her Excellency the Regent Empress also spoke to me about the greatness of Guruswamy. I fervently hope that you would enforce his lofty ideals."--MAHATMA GANDHI - 1925 March 13.
During recent centuries no one in India has enjoyed so such reverence as Sree Narayana Gurudev commanded, a reverence so glorious so enduring, so comprehensive, so universal and so pure. Like the sun, by mere presence, he spread his light and love ... His life or renunciation has shown to numerous people the secret of the path of dedicated service or Karma Yoga. Rishi Narayana who has awakened Kerala was Patanjali in Yoga, Sankara in wisdom, Manu in the art of Givernance, Budha in renunciation, Muhammad in strength of spirit and Christ in humanity. after 73 years spent in the drama of human life he has gone to whence he came... For the future generations he will be one of the divine personalities among the incarnations of God and the superhuman beings of India's religious lore? -- THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY - 1928 September.
"Sree Narayana Guru had not much to talk to me. For he was the "Mahatma" of high intellectual supremacy".-RAMANA MAHARSHI
"I have seen God in person. That is none other than Sree Narayana Guruswami who lived in the southernmost part of India". --C.F. Andrews
He was born on the 28th of Augest 1855 (Chingam 14th of 1031, as per the Malayalam Calender) under the star of Shathabhisham (Chathayam in Malayalam) in a small village called Chempazanthi in Trivandrum Dist. of Kerala state, at the southern tip of India. His parents were Maadan Asan and Kuttiamma. It is said that the Guru was born to this ideal couple after intensive prayers and many years of waiting. Though the little boy was named Narayanan, in course of time, the name was to be shortened to Nanu. But Nanu as a person did not care to be reduced in stature. Nanu means (Na + Anu) that which is not small, in other words, a great person. He certainly grew upto become great. It is said that even his birth was extraordinary. Usually the world comes to know about the birth of a child by its cry. But this baby did not cry when he was bathed. He never cried even of hunger, thrist or any other physical needs. This calmness is a strange phenomenon in the life of the Guru. When the whole world was crying for want of peace and calm, this holy man who was born and lived without crying had become the harbinger of peace. The incidents in his life proclaom this.
Gur shared with us timeless words of wisdom, "One Caste, One Religion, One God for mankind", "Get Freedom Through Education, strength through Organisation", and "You (GOD) are Truth, Knowledge and Bliss". In South India - Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Sri Lanka os where Guru's work began. Guru attined Mahasadhi at the ae of 73 on September 20, 1928.
"Sree Narayan Guru will be the prophet of the future" Once Swamy John Darmatheerthan said. Guru preached for a Cosmopolitian life and his direction to future is without any boundaries of caste, religion, or places. He was above all discriminations. Guru was born in South India. Kerala became famous as Gods own Land. Because of social reformation activities of Guru Kerala became a blessed land. Chempazanthi and Sivagiri the birth and samadhi place became pilgrim centres. In our cultural field a school of Sree Narayana Guru literature is developed. In order to propagate his messages and teachings nearly a dozan of publications are on the field. The state Government had declared his Jayanthi and Samadhi days as holidays. His Jayathi has become a national festival. It is evident from that every nook and corner of our state is celebrating his Jayati as a token of respect.
The 155th Guru Jayati message is for all. May our beloved Sree Narayan Gurudev bless us